ExamWritePad is the UK’s first word processor built and designed specifically for use with controlled assessments/exams. Written with guidelines set out by many UK exam boards, makes it unique and provides an answer to many a dilemma of which software to use
Last modified by ExamWritePad DevTeam - 5 months ago

Is it possible to deploy the licence file or config settings file from a GPO or InTune?

Issue #

Yes you can:

ExamWritePad.msi LICENSEKEYFILE="\\Servername\Share\license.lic" SETTINGSFILE="\\Servername\Share\ExamWritePadSettings.json" /qn

You can also GPO or InTune or script it to suit your environment.

To GPO a file you can follow the basic outline from this website:


To InTune a file you can follow the basic outline from this website:


Project Priority Status Start Date Target End Date
ExamWritePad 24.xx.xx.xxxx 1st January 2024
ExamWritePad 23.xx.xx.xxxx 1st January 2023