ExamWritePad is the UK’s first word processor built and designed specifically for use with controlled assessments/exams. Written with guidelines set out by many UK exam boards, makes it unique and provides an answer to many a dilemma of which software to use

v3.9 and below

The release notes below are just a reference point as to what kind of development has gone on over the years.. (29/02/2020)

  • NEW: The standard Message Boxes provided with .Net Framework have been replaced for a new custom control to offer more flexibility with regards
    visual, layout, icons, text length and size.
  • NEW: You can now allow numbers in the Candidate Name text field. Set the config option “AllowAlphaNumericCandidateNames” = 1 to allow. The
    Candidate Name field has been extended to 48 characters in max length to accommodate those that wish to fudge other information into the candidate
    name where there is no option to do so. For example, inserting the candidate’s year group after their name. With this in mind you can also use the
    following additional characters of open/close brackets ( ) and hyphens.
  • NEW: Candidate Number field now support the use of an ‘Input Mask’. If you wish to for validation and conformity to it for candidate numbers used BTEC
    for example, where it starts with a letter then followed by six numbers. You can enforce this type of pattern/validation. The config option to turn on this
    feature is “MaskedInput_CandidateNumber”. For now, it only will support the following masks: 0 = Digit (required), 9 = digit or space (optional), L = letter
    (required), ? = Letter (optional).
  • NEW: Toast Notifications for Windows 10 have been added for future use. If you can think of ideas of how best to use this feature, please submit anything
    you can think of via the EWP website or though EduGeek.
  • NEW: Ability to auto print a coversheet after printing the main document. There is now a checkbox next to each Coversheet print button that you can
    manually set. Or set option ‘PrintCoverSheet_Form2_AfterDocumentPrint’ or ‘PrintCoverSheet_Form4_AfterDocumentPrint’ to 1 in the config, to have
    the auto print turned on without the candidate having to do it.
  • NEW: ExamWritePad now uses an XML Schema XSD file to detect any errors in the ExamText files you are trying to load. What used to happen is if you
    loaded/opened an incorrectly formatted ExamText file then the main document window would be blank. It’s now as simple as “now you see me, or I quit”
    outcome. The schema XSD file resides in the ‘Assemblies’ folder, so please do not move it or else you cannot open or save EWP files.
  • NEW: You can now retrieve all Candidate Names for Active Directory which will be displayed in a drop-down list on the Candidate Information window.
    The config options you need to look out for to set this up are: ‘AD_GetCandidateNames’, ‘AD_GetCandidateNames’, ‘AD_OU’, ‘AD_Auth_User’,
    ’AD_Auth_Pass’ and ‘AD_LDAPServer’. All LDAP connections are now via SSL (port 636) hence the request for a username and password.
  • NEW: ‘Test Default Printer’ Button now includes the computer name, IP Address and Username on the test printout. This has been added for situations
    where you have multiple computers printing to the same printer.
  • NEW: You can now specify the following defaults in the config: Candidate Name, Candidate Number and Exam Board. These options appear in the config
    editor as ‘ExamDefaultCandidateName’, ‘ExamDefaultCandidateNumber’ and ‘ExamDefaultBoard’.
  • NEW: Candidate Information screen, when re-editing the information, upon clicking “Exit” will display a yes/no message box to suggest there are unsaved
    changes. ‘Yes’ will cancel the exit allowing you to click on ‘Save and Exit’ and ‘No’ will exit without saving changes.
  • NEW: Added new option “Supress_Save_Messages” to supress the two saved file message boxes to aid the efficiency. Displaying these types of boxes
    sometimes are deemed overkill and unnecessary. ConfigEditorGUI has also had this option added.
  • FIXED: Previous Version History never resets its contents when you re-open the window having closed it, during the same EWP session.
  • FIXED: Encrypted ExamText files that try to run on EWP with no specified/incorrectly specified encryption key, would open up blank then you click on save
    or wait for the autosave timer to elapse and it would save also, overwriting all the work in the file. Now when you try to open an encrypted file it will go
    through a verification check before loading it or quitting the open file process with an error. You will no longer get a blank screen and the possible of
    losing your encrypted file.
  • FIXED: When ‘Save Prompt After Candidate Info Screen’ and ‘Auto Save’ are both enabled, if you leave open the ‘Save As’ dialog window and the Auto
    Save Interval has elapsed, a second ‘Save As’ window will appear. The Auto Save Interval has now been set to start after the ‘Save As’ dialog has been
    closed, thus now only one will appear.
  • FIXED: Restoring from Previous version via the splash screen, with also having option “Startup_SavePromptAfterCandidateInfoScreen” set to 1 would
    force you to save the same file twice.
  • FIXED: Error handling information has been added to those handlers that didn’t have any at all.
  • FIXED: ConfigEditorGUI when clicking on “Reset to Defaults” would not offer the save changes on closing the application.
  • FIXED: Fullscreen didn’t work when the ‘Startup_FullscreenMode’ was set to 1 along with option ‘DisableControlBoxes’ also set to 1. The latter option
    ‘DisableControlBoxes’ has now been removed and depreciated is it doesn’t serve a purpose. You either want a full screen with no control boxes
    (‘Startup_FullscreenMode’ = 1) or a normal screen with control boxes (‘Startup_FullscreenMode’ = 0).
  • FIXED: All text boxes and Combo boxes, when right clicking on them, bought up a generic context menu that isn’t relevant and pointless, all these menus
    have been removed so that the only context menu you now have is the main document window.
  • UPDATED: TXTextControl control has been updated to service pack 2, to fix known issues including an issue where message boxes appear behind the main
    EWP window when in full screen mode when using the Find/Replace option.
  • UPDATED: ConfigEditorGUI has been update to v3.9.0.0 to align itself with the new/deprecated EWP config options.
    Previous Older Release Notes (01/02/2020)

  • NEW: Config settings are now stored in a JSON file, instead of XML.
  • NEW: ConfigEditorGUI has been re-written and overhauled, making it easier to use and less clunky. Biggest difference is that the config file now needs to
    be in JSON format instead of the old XML style. Reason? It is easier to work. New features include: automatically adding missing config options upon
    loading your existing config, you can in your existing config set it back to default values, you can also import an existing older XML config and import your
    existing settings to the new JSON config. You can even drag drop your config into the window to open it.
    SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: ExamWritePad will now be using the JSON config settings as its primary means but if you have not yet converted over, do not
    worry as EWP will still work with the older XML config settings. EWP will look for ExamWritePadSettings.json (JSON config) first, then if not available will look
    for ExamWritePad.exe.config (XML config), else load the defaults built into EWP if no configs are found. For example, if you have an older XML that you wish
    to use, you MUST rename or remove the ExamWritePadSettings.json file or else EWP will load it and ignore the XML file. Version 4 of EWP will be JSON only.
  • NEW: A ‘Narrator’ has been added to EWP to aid those that require a basic form of text-to-speech. Please see section below “Narrator – Installing Textto-Speech languages in Windows 10” for guidance on installing the required voices. A new config option has been created called “Disable_Narrator”
    which will allow you to hide the narrator tab from view if you have no need for it. Narrator will read the text from any cursor position or you can highlight
    a section of text and it will read just that selection. Each spoken word will also be highlighted in grey. If you have set to ‘MuteSystemAudio’ to enabled in
    the config, the narrator will turn it on, speak, then mute upon finish.
  • NEW: You can now load the JSON Config file from a custom path and also give it a different filename if you wish. (See section – Command line Usage
    Windowed App – Run as normal).
  • NEW: Layout flows have been introduced to the whole ribbon bar so that if you disable a button, the other buttons will move up and close the empty
    space/gaps, give the ribbon bar a better flow and feel.
  • NEW: ‘How to locate your Syllabus/Unit codes’ dialog has been added to give a visual guide as to where to look on your question paper for the codes
    needed to fill the candidate information details. To access this feature, select an Exam Board from the drop-down selection and then a blue message will
    appear in-between the code boxes , click on the text or ? symbol to display a visual guidance.
  • NEW: You can now preview the header/footer before printing. Right-click on the first page only, select ‘Preview Header/Footer’ with the top of the first
    page in view to display the header. Scroll to the bottom of the first page and right-click, select ‘Preview Header/Footer’ with the bottom of the first page
    in view to display the footer. Both with disappear once you scroll the first page out of view.
  • NEW: No overwriting of existing files would be possible when using the ‘Save As’ option. This will only happen if you set a new config option called
    “SaveAs_NoOverwrite” = 1. For existing config files, you will need to manually add this option in, for new users to EWP the option is in the default config.
  • NEW: The updates function has now been changed so that if a newer version of EWP is available, it will download the ZIP file and extract out all the
    contents, and relaunch EWP afterwards. It’s now a more automated process than previous. The only files that will NOT be updated are your settings files.
    You will need to run these through the ConfigEditorGUI in order to save any newer config options.
  • NEW: A new splash screen button called “Test Default Printer”, this will allow you to quickly test that the default printer is working without having to fill
    in all the details and then type a few word on the document before printing, it’s a quick and simple way to test printing.
  • NEW: Font dropdown list, by default, will now display a preview of each font of how it will look, exactly like other word processors do. You can disable
    this preview via the config option “Disable_DisplayFontPreview”.
  • NEW: The syllabus Codes and Unit Codes boxes have been extended to 10 characters and forward/backwards lashes ( / , \ ) and hyphen ( – ) symbols are
    now allowed so you get more control over how you candidates wish to enter in the paper reference codes.
  • NEW: New watermarking feature which if set in the config, will print a faint grey watermark on each printed page. Use config options,
    “Watermark_Enabled” and “Watermark_Text” to setup.
  • NEW: New config option to disable ‘Backup History’ button.
  • NEW: JCQ Scribe Form 2 has been added as a button on the Print sidebar. And the descriptions for the coversheet buttons now include either JCQ/CIE
    Form 4 or JCQ Scribe Form 2. A new command line option has been added also: /COVERSCRIBE
  • NEW: On the ‘View’ tab there is now a ‘Go to Page’ drop down so you can go to the top of any given page quickly, A config option to enable/disable it has
    been included also.
  • NEW: Branding is now possible on the splash screen, top left-hand corner. EWP will look for a file called Logo.png in the ‘Branding’ folder. The dimensions
    are 240 x 120 pixels max. If you use a square logo, for example 96×96, then it will be centred automatically.
  • NEW: Exam Timer Countdown – Not allowed in actual final exams as per JCQ/CIE regulations, this is ideal for your own internal exams where a visual
    timer is important if you cannot gain access to clocks or whiteboards to display necessary information. PLEASE NOTE: Because this is not allowed in final
    exams the decision has been taken to disable it as default. In order to enable it/use it, set the config option “Disable_CountDownTimer” to 0.
  • FIXED: When setting margins via the Margin sidebar, a minimum and maximum value have been restricted to stop your page/s from going out of bounds
    and looking ridiculous. The minimum is 20 and maximum is 100 (millimetres). Errors will now be highlighted in red.
  • FIXED: Some Sidebar width were not consistently display in full width when switch between different sidebars.
  • FIXED: Splash screen buttons have been realigned and correct spacing applied.
  • FIXED: Page Margins when set, using the ruler bar, would not update the document margins description on the ‘help’ tab.
  • FIXED: When loading a document, the page margins would not be reflected in the document margins description on the ‘help’ tab.
  • FIXED: When document margins have been set, the values are now reflected in the Margins sidebar control when in view.
  • FIXED: When opening a document with a page background colour, if you print without modifying the document, the background colour is removed back
    to the default screen colour instead of staying coloured.
  • FIXED: When opening a document with double line spacing, if you print without modifying the document, the double line spacing would revert to single
    line spacing instead of staying as double.
  • FIXED: When saving a file and the message box appears saying ‘Saved OK’, the focus is returned back to the document so you can start typing.
  • FIXED: The Undo and Redo button now function correctly, where the button state will be enabled/disabled based upon the undo/redo history state.
  • FIXED: When printing a batch command line folder, it would print the odd files and never print out the even files.
  • FIXED: When printing a batch command line folder, it would print the coversheets apart from the last on in the list.
  • FIXED: EWP would not close on the splash screen if you clicked on the ‘X’ control button. The control boxes have been hidden during the splash screen
    and become visible again when you are on the document window screen.
  • FIXED: Spelling mistake on the disable view 100 percent button.
  • FIXED: When clicking on the documentation button, while in Fullscreen mode, the documentation fails to load and is stuck behind the main window.
  • FIXED: If you have filled in the all the Candidate Details and decide to start a new document, you should have been asked if you wish to use the same
    details or start with no details, this did not always work on all circumstances when clicking on the ‘New’ button.
  • FIXED: When “Disable_DateTimeClock” was disabled, the clock function would still run behind the scenes, updating the date/time label that was hidden
    from view. This is wasting resources in memory that are not required.
  • FIXED: If ‘Symbol’ button was disabled then you could still access the insert symbol option via the right-click context menu.
  • FIXED: If ‘Startup_Fullscreen’ was enabled, the full screen/normal button is now hidden completely (previously visible but disabled).
  • FIXED: You can now click anywhere on the font name or font size dropdown list boxes to reveal their lists, previously you had to click on the arrow to the
    right of each control to drop the list down. For consistency the same has been applied to the font name control in the quick formatting panel.
  • UPDATED: When printing, if you get a delay when printing the document, the user now gets a visual printing in progress image appear, so they know not
    to do anything until the printing has completed and the document window returns. Without this visual image, users may think the program has crashed.
    This image may not display if EWP is still communicating with the printer or the print job has been sent so quickly it didn’t have time to display.
  • UPDATED: Help button content has been updated as it was out-of-date from version 2 of EWP.
  • UPDATED: USB Monitor, Key Generator code base has been updated/optimised and GUI tweaked for icon consistency throughout the EWP family.
  • UPDATED: Spell Check UK English dictionary has been updated to v6.1.0 (08/12/2019)

  • FIXED: An issue where subsequent printouts after the first, would hide the header/footer.
  • FIXED: Quick formatting panel has been optimised in terms of position, colour, size. Also, if you now disable the quick formatting panel it will also remove
    the TextControl ‘MouseUp’ and ‘MouseMove’ event handlers that would be doing background jobs that are not required.
  • ADDED: Added new button called ‘Margins (All)’ to allow you to adjust margins for the document. This can be disabled and probably would be advisable
    to do so, in an exam environment, if you print the header and footers.
  • ADDED: You can now set the following config options to set the default page margins for a text document. If no options are set the default is 20. If you
    wish to change them, set the following options ‘Document_Paper_Margin_Top’, ‘Document_Paper_Margin_Bottom’, ‘Document_Paper_Margin_Left’
    and ‘Document_Paper_Margin_Right’.
  • ADDED: When you now disable a ribbon button/combobox in the config, it will now hide the button instead of disabling it. AT the moment button
    placement is not dynamic so hidden buttons will still hold their positions. A new dynamic ribbon is being built and tested to see if it will make it to EWP
    long term. I will keep you posted about this.
  • ADDED: If you now disable show line numbers button, it will also remove the TextControl ‘VScroll’, ‘HScroll’ and ‘InputPositionChanged’ event handlers
    that would be doing background jobs that are not required.
  • FIXED: When you select text in the document and move away from the document window the selection stays visible, so you know what is selected. (04/12/2019)

  • FIXED: Issue where in some instances, when no printers are installed, the print sidebar fails to close. Also, Buttons to print document and coversheet are
    disabled if no printers are installed.
  • ADDED: Ability to make the following Candidate Information non-mandatory (not required): Exam Board, Subject Title, Syllabus/Entry code and
    Component/Unit Code. These options can now be set in the config using the following options set to = 1. “CandidateInfo_ComponentUnit_Required”,
    ”CandidateInfo_SyllabusEntry_Required”, “CandidateInfo_ExamBoard_Required”, “CandidateInfo_Subject_Required”. Please note that if you disable the
    ExamBoard then you will not be able to print a coversheet.
  • ADDED: New option to disable the Date/Time from being printed in the footer of each document page printout. Config option
    “FooterDateTimeAppearance” = 0 to turn off (disable) and 1 to print (enable).
  • FIXED: Muted Audio would re-enable itself if you cancelled the password on exit window.
  • FIXED: Password on Exit window would generate two save document questions instead of just the once.
  • FIXED: Find/Replace message boxes would sit behind the main window when in full screen.
  • UPDATED: ConfigEditorGUI has been updated to include the five new config options. (01/12/2019)

  • FIXED: Spelling mistake on the Candidate Information window where on two occasion ‘Centre’ was spelt ‘Center’.
  • FIXED: If only one Centre Number and/or Centre Name are specified in the config, they will now appear as the default selected option on the Candidate
    Information window.
  • FIXED: The function that provides EWP with ability to ‘Mute Audio’ has been changed to support all or most PCs. The previous system would only Mute if
    your keyboard support volume keys.
  • FIXED: The system sound would re-enable if you clicked cancel when closing EWP in order to continue using EWP.
  • ADDED: English IPA character/symbols added to the language character map (used only with UK A-Level English exams).
  • FIXED: EWP would crash, when trying to print, if you have no printers installed.
  • FIXED: Clear Formatting option never fully cleared all formatting when applying it to the whole document. (25/12/2019)

  • ADDED: If you hide the ribbon bar using the toggle switch, when you click on a tab, the ribbon bar will re-open and when you return focus to the
    document window, the ribbon bar will hide itself again. This mimics exactly how Microsoft Word handle a hidden ribbon bar.
  • CHANGED: The minimum width of the main window has been reduced from 925 to 800 (tweaked a few button sizes), to allow those the windows snap
    screen feature a true 50/50 split. This is based on a minimum screen resolution of 1600×900. Anything lower than this will render the app snapped with
    EWP as very narrow and useless. This is because the ribbon bar is not currently designed to allow for dynamic resizing hence the fixed minimum
    application width of 800.
  • FIXED: EWP would not exit after the document modification message box upon closing, when the splash screen was enabled. (01/12/2019)

  • ADDED: Ability to skip the Splash Screen via config Option “Disable_SplashScreen”. Set the option to “1” to disable it.
  • ADDED: Ability to Pause/Resume the extra time countdown timer in case of emergencies, candidate timeouts etc.
  • FIXED: Close button on the extra timer sidebar never closes when pressed.
  • FIXED: ConfigEditorGUI would not allow semi-colon to be used on the Exam Centre Number field when requiring multiple numbers to be inserted.
  • FIXED: Config option ‘PrintFontColour’ did not apply in v3, any colour in the document window would have printed, thus ‘PrintFontColour’ was ignored.
  • ADDED: If no ‘PrintFontColour’ is specified in the config, EWP will use whatever colours are on the document window.
  • ADDED: Ability to specify an Active Directory Group and a series of overrides that will apply when launching EWP. For example, if most students do not
    require a spellchecker and you have disabled it in the config, you can specify an AD group name and the config option you wish to override spell checking
    so it is enabled for those candidates within the AD group. (See Config options for further assistance and help on setting this up.)
  • ADDED: Multiple Exam Centre Names are allowed, separate each one with a semi-colon. Centre Names are set in the config only and cannot be changed
    at runtime.
  • FIXED: Centre Number on the Candidate Information window was allowing the user to override it and set their own Centre Number. Centre Numbers are
    set in the config only and cannot be changed at runtime.
  • FIXED: Quick Formatting panel was hidden and not appearing on previous builds.
  • ADDED: ConfigEditorGUI has been updated with new config options: Override_Option_ADGroup, Override_Option_Name
  • FIXED: When Find & Replace button was disabled, you could still launch it via CTRL+F key combination.
  • ADDED: If you have filled in the all the Candidate Details and decide to start a new document, you will now get asked if you wish to use the same details
    or start with no details.
  • ADDED: Right-click on the ruler bar and you now have the options for document TAB position markers. Left click on the ruler bar and it will still place a
    TAB position marker as normal.
  • ADDED: New button on the insert ribbon called “Symbol”, allowing to quickly access special symbols/characters like copyright, trademark etc… This has
    also been added to the ConfigEditorGUI to allow you to disable like other buttons.
  • ADDED: When you click ‘Print’ and the Candidate Information appears to fill in the remaining details, when you ‘Save & Exit’, the Print sidebar now
    appears without having to press the Print button again, but only if all the candidate details are filled in.
    KNOWN ISSUE with .NET FRAMEWORK APPLICATIONS: If EWP does not run from an UNC share/mapped drive having installed all the prerequisites, it is an
    issue with .Net framework and SMB v1 shares. If you disabled SMB v1 support, then it breaks the AD authentication on the clients where it has been
    removed. At this point your only option is to run EWP from the local hard disk. (01/11/2019)

  • FIXED: Zoom, In and Out, threw a fatal exception when reaching limits on the Previous History window.
  • FIXED: Zoom, In and Out, threw a fatal exception when reaching limits on the Main Application window.
  • FIXED: If using the option to print double lined, and you use write you doc in single lined spacing, it would stay doubled lined after printing if you use the
    same font for screen and print.
  • FIXED: When printing the text labels didn’t always show, when printing in progress and when completed. The doc window is now hidden to speed up the
    printing process and returns once the printing process has completed.
  • FIXED: When printing, and double line spacing at print is turned on, if a document has to spread itself over multiple pages, some pages would be missed.
    For example if you have written 5 pages, and you print, it should print 10 pages, but it will only print the number of pages stated (5 in this example)
    before double line spacing is applied but the page numbering to print (10) is correct. (05/10/2019)
  • FIXED: Open/Save Paths that use the Environment variable %% and subsequent subfolders did not resolve correctly.
  • FIXED: CTRL+ Left Arrow/Right Arrow did not move the cursor to the next word or previous word.
  • ADDED: You can now hide the Documentation button on the splash screen by simply deleting/moving or renaming the Documentation file. (01/09/2019)

Prerequisites: .net Framework 4.8
EWP is now x64 only,.

  • Complete style redesign
  • New Menu bar in a Ribbon style
  • AutoSave Timer running a separate background thread from main UI thread
  • AutoBackup Timer running a separate background thread from main UI thread
  • Date/Time Clock now runs in a separate background thread from main UI thread
  • Battery Power Status now runs in a separate background thread from main UI thread
  • Command Line redesign to allow coversheet, number of copies and batch printing
  • Restore previous version from splash screen
  • View documentation from splash screen
  • Ability to disable most buttons on the ribbon bar to customise what is available to the end user
  • Candidate Information window has been condensed to make it less confusing
  • A popup ‘Quick Formatting’ bar like in Microsoft Word
  • New button: Uppercase
  • New Button: Lowercase
  • New button: Page Rotation (Landscape/Portrait)
  • New Button: Remove Formatting
  • New Button: Tables
  • New Button: Date & Time
  • New Button: List – Bullets
  • New Button: List – Numbers
  • New Button: Line Numbers (GDI+ drawn so use sparingly because of performance issues, use as a reference point and turn off when not required)
  • New Button: Ruler (to control margins and alignment of objects/text)
  • New Button: Word Count (Pages, Paragraphs, Lines, Words, Characters with/without spaces)
  • New Button: Page width/Zoom controls
  • New Button: Full Screen Mode
  • Application now runs in a standard resizable window as default
  • Find & Replace – New
  • Spelling Control – New
  • Information to tell you when the last autobackup/autosave was completed
  • Toggle the ribbon visibility
  • Context Menu: Formatting of tables, images and paragraphs
  • More shortcut keys available
  • Custom Printing Function
  • New right-click context menu: Undo, Redo, Select All, Cut, Copy, Paste, Format Image, Table Properties, Paragraph Formatting, List Formatting, Text Highlighting and
    Insert Symbol.
  • More features for 37% less lines (EWP2 was 10,000 EWP3 now 6,287 at time of release)
  • More customisable (enable/disable) objects with EWP to suit your need (14/06/2019)

CHANGED: The list of Previous Versions is now in reverse order, so that the most recent is at the top of the list, saves you having to scroll through a potentially massive list.

FIXED: Issue would arise where upon saving a file that had slashes in either the ‘Subject’, ‘Syllabus Code’, ‘Entry Code’ or ‘Unit/Component Code’ would cause the application to crash as a slash denote a file system delimiter. Slashes have been disabled within all boxes on the candidate information window.

REMOVED: “rtbDoc_SelectionChanged” has been depreciated as it was deemed not important and has helped to fractionally improve the overall speed of EWP when the writing window is active.

FIXED: When trying to print and the BackupFilePath is set to a UNC location, sometimes EWP would crash on printing with an exception in function OpenXML. This function has now been removed from the printing procedure.

ADDED: A threaded Progress window has been added on printing and spell checking so that the end user is informed what is happening and that something IS happening more to the point is there is a long wait between things.

CHANGED: The Candidate Information window is now enabled during the printing process with the button ‘Close’ active, so that if a problem does arise while printing, you should be able to exit and try printing again.

FIXED: When spell checking, if the word to replace/change was at the end of a captured sentence (Not an actual sentence) then it would throw an exception. This only happened when Change was clicked, not Change All.

FIXED: When restoring a previous version, it would not pull through the candidate information, only the text. (28/05/2019) CHANGED: Backup file names with naming convention like actual file saves.

FIXED: Centre name can now be blank as before v2.5 and will not throw up an error if using a JCQ exam board.

FIXED: When ‘DisableWinKeys’ was enabled it stopped the down arrow key from working and the zoom out key combination.

ADDED: New config options ‘SpellCheck_DisableSuggestionsContextMenu’ and ‘SpellCheck_DisableSpellAsYouTypeUnderline’ have been added to aid speeding up the spell checking process and for those that may be experiencing issues with the right-click context menu in general. The whole spell check function is from a third party built in 2010, so I can only do limited things with it. ‘SpellCheck_DisableSuggestionsContextMenu’ will disable any suggestions from being displayed on the right-click context menu. ‘SpellCheck_DisableSpellAsYouTypeUnderline’ will completely disable the spelling context menu and spell check as you type (red underline). Just to give you an idea of speed/timings: a 10,000 word EWP file with 100 spelling mistakes take around 40 seconds to load the spell check window. 5,000 words and 50 spelling mistakes takes 8 seconds. Using an Intel Core i5-8250U (1.6GHz) Quad-Core Processor, 8GB RAM, SSD Disk.

ADDED: ‘DisableClock’ config option to stop the clock from showing/running. If you don’t need it, then disable it so that in future I will know or have a better idea if the status bar disappearing is related to the clock or not.

ADDED: ‘DisableCharacterCounts’ and ‘DisableWordCounts’ can now be disabled via config option. They will do as their name suggests.

ADDED: Inserting Images – Basic version now implemented on the mini toolbar only, this is disabled by default via config option ‘DisableInsertingImages’ and value set to 1. When inserting images, please note that when using double line spacing, the line height of the line after the image is the same height as the image. This is by design of the double line spacing method using PInvoke Win32 API calls and cannot be altered.

KNOWN ISSUE: The information on the status bar disappears and replaced with a red box. I think the issue is related to the clock. (Only few reported incidents) (09/05/2019)

ADDED: New config option “ForceSave” which when turned on, will force the user to save the file and cannot continue until they do. FIXED: Syllabus Code would not be used within the default save filename or Document print title, when using CIE board.

CHANGED: Entry Code textbox has been added Candidate Information window for WJEC based exams. The coversheet will now printout the Entry Code and Unit/Component code in the correct boxes.

CHANGED: Exam Board dropdown list was not sorted in alphabetical order.

ADDED: Reduced the number of extra dialog messages that popup when printing. Any information will now appear on the Candidate Information window as a status message above the close button. This is done, to stop instances where the dialogs go behind the main window and cannot be activated to proceed, thus EWP becomes effectively stuck.

ADDED: Config option to add in the “Exam Series” text so it prints onto the cover sheet of any WJEC or CIE examination. Use the config options “ExamSeriesText_WJEC” or “ExamSeriesText_CIE” or both, and set the values to, for example: Summer 2019 (May/June Series), ask your exams officer for the exact text to use.

ADDED: Spell check for English (UK British) has been updated to OpenOffice extension version 2019.05.01b

FEATURE: Check for Updates. This new feature will allow you to check for updates on startup or via the help menu from the main EWP window, you also have the ability to disabled checking for updates completely. Also provided is the ability to check for updates if using a proxy server. New config options have been added for the following: “Update_ProxyPass”, “Update_ProxyPort”, “Update_ProxyServer”, “Update_ProxyUser”, “Update_CheckOnStartup”, “Update_UseProxy”, “Update_Disabled”. The ConfigEditorGUI has been updated to v1.7 to include these. IMPORTANT NOTE: If your current config file is missing any config options in EWP v2.4.4.0 then they will not be displayed or be added. IM working on a way to add them in but for now if you wish to use the latest config template, use the one provided with each update of EWP and copy/paste your settings over. (02/05/2019)

ADDED: Full debugging/Error handling is now in place on all subroutines and functions. All errors are now caught and logged if you set “DebugApplication” = 1, in the config file. This will allow you to email over the HTML log file (stored in the logged-in user’s TEMP folder) to us so we can help you better in future.

FIXED: CIE coversheet had overlapping syllabus code and component code if the syllabus code was 6 characters long.

FIXED: CIE coversheet had reference to “Select Here” dropdown list (used in the original word doc file as supplied by CIE) for invigilators job title, this has been removed so it can be hand written in as per previous years.

FIXED: DefaultOpenPath was not set correctly to the users desktop when left blank in the config file.

FIXED: Error on FirstRunTasks when setting up page layout options. (21/03/2019)

CHANGED: Changed the Syllabus code to allow up to 6 characters.

CHANGED: Changed the candidate number to allow 5 digits for CIE exams if you wish to use the number 2 prefix. I’ve spoken to CIE and they have confirmed that it is not required but will except the 5 digit candidate number or the original 4 digit number. (16/03/2019)

CHANGED: Documentation and Release Notes have now been compiled into one Documentation file. With this, includes a full disclaimer, Exam body Compliance and GDPR compliance statements.

FIXED: Erroneous spacing when printing the header between different exam boards.

FIXED: The whole document text would be selected after replacing all occurrences of a specific word using the replace window.

FEATURE: Added ability to ‘Find’ and/or ‘Replace’ text via the Edit menubar item. This also comes with the option to disable it via the config file. Included with this is an updated ConfigEditorGUI (version 1.6) with the two new config options to show or hide find/replace options. These options are called ‘Hide_Find’ and ‘Hide_Replace’.

FIXED: Pasting text on a new blank document would result in an exception error.

FIXED: Pasting text after superscript/subscript text would not continue with the font style used in the pasted text, thus would be set to superscript/subscript.

FIXED: Pressing the Superscript/Subscript menu item did not revert the selected text back to normal.

FIXED: Setting ‘Normal’ formatting option, would not revert all selected text to normal in some instances.

FIXED: Tab key issue on the candidate information window. (08/03/2019)

ADDED: New items on menubar/toolbar ‘Uppercase’ and ‘Lowercase’, thus allowing you convert the selected text to upper or lower, Config options have also been added to hide either upper or lower on the menubar called ‘HideFormat_Uppercase’ and ‘HideFormat_Lowercase’.

FIXED: Updates to the ConfigEditorGUI, including stability, bugs, and minor tweaks.

FIXED: EWP Character/Accent Map now stays on top until you click the hide button.

CHANGED: mini toolbar icons have been changed added to coincide with the subscript/superscript additions.

CHANGED: Keyboard hooks at low level to disable the windows keys have been updated so that any Key up, key down or key press events are not triggered. So in essence the windows key and other system function combinations are truly disabled.

FIXED: Pasting large amounts of text would result in a slowdown and in some cases the text flashing on and off as if it were being highlighted on/off.

FIXED: When you cut/copy any text and paste it, it would always set the cursor position to the end of the document, when it should have been set to the end of the pasted text.

ADDED: New config file options to hide menubar items. They are ‘HideFormat_Superscript’, ‘HideFormat_Subscript’ and ‘HideFormat_PageBreak’.

ADDED: Main menubar’s sub menus now have icons.

CHANGED: Optimised Coversheet sizes so that they are smaller in file size thus remain smaller in memory when printing.

CHANGED: Cambridge board (CIE) have discontinued the Exam Day Form 5 for a newer Form 4.

ADDED: Ability to Display/Show the windows Taskbar if you wish to switch between programs. This is set via the config option ‘ShowTaskbar’ to 1.

FIXED: A4/Full screen consistent visible document window and margin border. This was the OCD in me and just a little bugbear

ADDED: Subscript

ADDED: Superscript (14/02/2019)

FIXED: Basic character map on first click did not launch, until you click a second time.

FIXED: Disabling splitscreen altogether would result in no menu bar text when switching between A4 and full width, thus Activate Splitscreen would become available on the screen menu, when it shouldn’t have. (11/02/2019)

FIXED: Candidate information window would freeze when pressing either print button, not allowing you to fill in missing fields that were blank.

FIXED: Visual page break font would stay blue instead of reverting back to the screen colour. (07/02/2019)

FIXED: ConfigEditorGUI, XML file on save wasn’t not unloaded stopping you from changing other options.

FIXED: ConfigEditorGUI, an option that uses 0 or 1 but is actually blank would throw an exception and crash, so now it sets the default to 0 allowing to save it.

ADDED: New config option ‘DisableSplitScreenAllSizes’ which will completely disable the ability to offer splitscreen facility. Existing configs will need to add the option manually and set it to 1 or 0. ConfigEditorGUI has this option also to set. (06/02/2019)

FEATURE: For use with mock exams, the ability has been added to enable an Extra Timer countdown timer that once expired will set to font colour to default red, but colour can be changed in the config. To enable the ‘ET Countdown’ on the application menu bar, set the config option of ‘ExtraTimeFontChange’ to 1 and also set the option ‘ExtraTimeFontColour’ to your specified colour, default red is 255,0,0.

ADDED: The two new config options above have been added to the config editor application. Please note if you are using an older config you may not have these options available. Thus you will need to add them in/copy & paste from the sample config into your current config, so that they appear in the ConfigEditorGUI application. (05/02/2019)

FIXED: Config File Editor would render empty config options with carriage returns and extra whitespace upon saving. So config options like ‘PasswordOnExit’ would fail regardless as you can’t type in a carriage return.

FIXED: The description on Candidate Number, when allowing longer numbers, would still suggest a max of 4 when it should be 16. (01/02/2019)

NEW FEATURE: Included with the EWP is a “Config File Editor” GUI. Load your config and safely change options without causing any issues that may arise if you were to edit the config in a text editor. The Application is a standalone application separate from EWP. NOTE Always make a backup copy of you config file just in case before using the editor

Documentation updated for impending version 2.3 release.

FIXED: Text formatting (Bold/Italic/Underline) etc was remove upon print.

FIXED: Basic Character map didn’t return any characters upon selection thus remained blank. (12/01/2019)

FINAL RELEASE: Arrangements have been made to make this the final release for Windows XP. This is the last version that will use .NET Framework 4.0

ADDED: Splash screen now contains a warning text label in red and will display if the computer is running battery and it goes lower than 25%.

FIXED: When battery percentage went below 25% the battery graphic image stayed at 50% graphic on the main menu bar.

ADDED: The main EWP help button on the menu bar has been also added to the splash screen so you can access information and web links without having to get to the main window.

UPDATED: UK English Dictionary has been updated to v01-01-2019 as provided via: https://extensions.libreoffice.org/extensions/english-dictionaries/

FIXED: When using a domain computer over Wi-Fi, if logon scripts are used to map printers AND have logon scripts set to run ‘asynchronously’, EWP would throw an exception if you try to print at the same time as the printers are in the process of being mapped. The error has been suppressed but in reality you would never login, and finish typing your document within a few minutes and try to print it, while the background scripts are being processed.

CHANGED: Candidate Information window now contains a character limit for all but one of the text boxes, the max limit of characters is now displayed underneath the text description for each text box. This has been done so they fit within the coversheet boxes and don’t overflow.

FIXED: The EWP application becomes unresponsive while it waits for interaction/messages from the printer to connect to or render a print job. In some instances people may think they have not pressed the print button and thus press it multiple times. Now implemented is once a print button is pressed is disables the Candidate Information window until the print process has completed.

FIXED: When multiple fonts are used in a EWP document the Screen Option Window would only display the last font used in the document. Because this is only geared for a single font use, a function has been added to detect the total number of fonts used and if greater than 1, the current font in use text label will now read “(Multiple fonts in use)”.

FIXED: Entry code for JCQ didn’t not fit inside the coversheet box if over 10 characters and is now limited to 12 characters.

FIXED: When printing the coversheet or document, the ‘successfully printed’ acknowledgement window would disappear behind the Candidate Information window and the focus would always be set to the Candidate screen if lost. So basically you could not continue.

FIXED: When copying and pasting very large chunks of text the double line formatting would sometime revert to single line spacing.

CHANGED: All message boxes are now created with the same function, so there is consistency and importantly appear top most all the time, every time.

FIXED: The date displayed on the status bar was set to “d/mm/yyyy” when it should be “dd/mm/yyyy” for consistency.

FIXED: When selecting a previous version to restore, it never did a word and character count until you type something.

FIXED: Previous version text box that displays the contents of each previous version was editable so if by accident you edited the text in the text box it would resort exactly as shown. The text box is now set to read only.

FIXED: Previous version dropdown list acted as if it required text input thus only dropping down the selection list when you click on the dropdown arrow to the far right. This has now been changed to a drop down list so that clicking anywhere on the dropdown will activate the dropdown selection list.

FIXED: The verification check when opening from the ‘Default Open Path’. If the path didn’t exist EWP would try and create the path, which is irrelevant because if the path doesn’t exist, neither will there be any files within the path. If the open path doesn’t exist, it reverts to the desktop.

ADDED: A verification check when saving/auto-saving, so if the save path doesn’t exist, it will default to the desktop. This is useful if you are saving to a remote/network location and it suddenly goes offline at any point. The AutoSave message dialog is now more descriptive to accommodate this issue. (14/12/2018)

ADDED: A start-up check has been added to detect that the config is present, this has been done to stop candidates deleting the file to alter the way EWP operates to obtain more features than intended to, which were set by the Exams Officer. In previous versions EWP would still run without a config file loading a default set of values which would result in EWP not being more open then normally required. So remember the config file must always reside in the same folder as the EWP application. If you rename the application, you must also rename the config to the same name.

ADDED: Allow ‘Split Screen’ feature to run on monitors lower than 1680px wide. This might not give you expect results but should be OK on 1280px wide monitors. Set the config option called “AllowSplitScreenLowerResolutions” to 1 to allow.

CHANGED: If you changed the Exam Board List in the config, it might not print the coversheet. You will now be given a message window to tell you what the issue is. (26/11/2018)

FEATURE: ‘Split Screen’ for those that require it. If you have a monitor that is 1680 wide or higher then you will have a new option on the ‘Screen’ dropdown menu called ‘Activate Split screen’. This will automatically snap the EWP window to the right hand side allowing the left hand side to be used to display, for example, a PDF copy of the exam paper. In addition to this, if you have the option to show the candidate information window on launch, you are given a one-time only checkbox to also activate split screen mode.

FIXED: When typing in an Exam Board on the Candidate Information window the error message never disappears if you accidently clicked OK/Print having generated the error from the button click.

CHANGED: Housekeeping on back end code redundant functions/procedures.

CHANGED: Some Menu buttons have had their text label shortened to allow for more button in future builds. For example “Formatting Options” has now become “Formatting” and “Screen Options” has now become “Screen”.

FIXED: When using the Splash Screen on start-up you could bypass start-up checks if clicking on Open File then cancelling the open file dialog window. This bypass has now been closed off and the start-up splash screen will reappear if you try to bypass in future.

CHANGED: The decision has been made to separate the printing of the coversheet and document text into two separate processes. This is because a number of users have experienced issues where the coversheet failed to print. So from now on, there are two buttons on the candidate information screen: “Print Document” and “Print Coversheet”. So please remember this for future

FIXED: The current save path would not appear until after the auto-save timer had elapsed, when used with the config option ‘SavePromptAfterCandidateInfoScreenOnLaunch’. It now appears immediately after save.

ADDED: New ‘AppLocker’ variables have been added for use within the Save, Open and Backup paths. Which allows EWP to pick up the first USB Removable drive that is writeable to the user with at least 1MB free space also. These are variables are: %REMOVABLE% and %HOT%

FIXED: Open file path is now shown immediately on the status bar, it would have only shown after 60 seconds on previous versions of EWP.

CHANGED: Spell Check is now turned on by default without having to click the ‘Spell Check’ button to turn it on and highlight words etc… (07/12/2018)

ADDED: New option in “Screen Options –> Background / Fonts” called “Application Menu text size”. The option if changed will allow the user to set the main menu bar/context menu font size larger or smaller to suit. There has been a config file option added to set default font size. The config option is called “DefaultAppMenuFontSize”, if nothing is set it will default to 12. If you change the screen font family in the options also the menu uses it also to keep consistency.

ADDED: Ability to specify environment variables for “DefaultBackupPath” Config Option.

ADDED: Ability to specify environment variables for “DefaultSavePath” Config Option.

ADDED: Ability to specify environment variables for “DefaultOpenPath” Config Option.

ADDED: Added the EWP version number on the Splash Screen. (21/07/2018)

FEATURE: A basic “Accent/Character Map” has been added for French, German and Spanish. The Character Map Button on the menu bar has now been expanded to two options: “Basic Accents/Characters” and “Launch Windows Character Map”.

FIXED: When using “Visual Page Breaks”, the visual page break text would be counted towards the character and word counts respectively.

ADDED: Screen Font Name and Screen Font Size to the saved ExamText file, so that if you re-load the file, the screen options in use are displayed correctly.

FIXED: Print font is ignored when printing using a different font. In other words the screen font gets printed not the print font as specified in the config file.

ADDED: Visual Page Break has been added, to activate it, a config option of “VisualPageBreak” with value of 1 will activate it. Please note, if you overwrite the visual page break or any part of it, you will have to remove all page breaks and reinsert them. Altering the visual page break will make it visible when printing. It’s not ideal, but it’s the only way I could successfully do it with the limitations of an RTF WinForm control.

FIXED: “Remove Page Breaks” option was visible even though no page breaks were in use.

FIXED: Minimise To Taskbar Button doesn’t appear when enabled in config, since version was released. (22/06/2018)

FEATURE: Spell Checker is now available. Config option called “EnableSpellCheck” is now used, 0 to turn it off, 1 to turn it ON. If on, then you will get a top menu bar button called “Spell Check” and alternatively pressing F7. It will in turn run a separate spell checker window, similar to Microsoft Word. When exiting the spell checker window, auto highlight incorrect spellings will be active, denoted by red squiggles. You then have two options: You can re-run the spell checker again by pressing F7 or “Spell Check” button OR you can right mouse click on the incorrect word and the context menu will give you 5 suggestions to select from or run spell checker, like Microsoft Word offers. While the Spell Checker is active (visible or not) a “Disable Spell Check” button will appear on the top menu bar to completely turn off spell checking until you turn it back on again. This software uses only the UK English Dictionary, there are no plans to offer to use other dictionaries at this time. Special Consideration: Within the “SpellCheck” folder is a file called “AddedWords.dat”, this is where you can add your own words (each on a separate line) or allow the end user the ability to add their own. If you wish to allow users to add their own then WRITE permission will need to be granted on the file. If you wish not to use it, then READ ONLY permission means that the “Add to Dictionary” will not be visible. But this would only work if you are running EWP from a shared location. If you are running as separate standalones then you would have to merge all the custom dictionaries.

FIXED: Code clean-up and some defunct functions removed.

ADDED: More info has been added to the Help window and some URL links have been change.

ADDED: Message box has been added as a visual aid to warn users that are running on battery that anything below 5% remaining will need to connect their computer to a mains power source. (14/06/2018)

FEATURE: Splash Screen available via config option “EnableSlashScreen”, default is 1 for ON, use 0 to turn it OFF. The splash screen allow you to start a new exam or open an existing exam file. There is also an Exit button. It gives the software a cleaner approach.

FIXED: Opening an existing file will no longer bring up the Candidate Screen on some rare occasions.

FIXED: Folder Path checking on Start-up. Check Save, Open, Backup paths on start-up to see if they exist, if not create, if no permission to create then fall back to default directories.

FEATURE: Application Debugging. New Config option called “DebugApplication” has been created with default of 0. If you are having issues on start-up change the option to 1, re-run EWP and please post the log file so I can see what is going on. Eventually the whole program will capture ALL events for debugging but for the time being its only start-up. The log file is created within the TEMP folder of user that runs EWP.

FIXED: Ordering or backup previous versions. The ordering in number order is being confused with the lack of a preceding 0 on single numbers which has now been addressed.

ADDED: Config option to display so many previous versions. New config option “PreviousVersionsRecoveryMinutesDisplay”. This allows you to specify the maximum allow time of previous versions to display within the last “xx” given minutes. The default is set to 60 but you can change to suit your needs.

FIXED: issues with all formatting reverting back to normal. Formatting text options and line spacing options, including config double line spacing options would reset back to normal after printing, issue has now been addressed.

ADDED: More help on HELP Window. Tips like CTRL-TAB will indent writing or CUT COPY PASTE right mouse click on text window. (26/05/2018)

ADDED: New config option “AllowLongCandidateNumber” has been added. The limit is current set to 4 characters max. If the config option is set to 1 then the character limit is then set to 16. (18/05/2018)

ADDED: The current file in use now has its full path displayed in the tool strip replacing the TOOL TIP message. If no file is present or you have yet to save your work the Tool Tip message with still display.

FIXED: Recompiled the main Icon for EWP to help reduce the overall footprint and the EXE file has been reduced from 2.7MB to 811KB, a massive saving.

FIXED: Reduced the DPI size of the Cover Sheet by 50% so that it take up less memory when rendering and printing.

ADDED: If printing multiple copies, collation is set to true as default and cannot be overridden. For those that don’t know what collation is, in essence: Collated printing means that the printed material is sorted into a correctly assembled sequence – and if you are printing multiple copies it will then print them as sets of documents, not as single pages.

FIXED: Constantly printing would result in a build-up of memory resources, when they should have been released.

ADDED: Coversheet now prints as many copies as you specified in the printer options when printing, before it only printed just once.

ADDED: Cleaned up code when using fonts and substitute fonts to print the cover sheets. ADDED: When pressing the print button, your work will now save before printing, a recovery copy (Previous Version) is also created.

ADDED: Added “Syllabus Code” to the header when printing. (02/05/2018) FIXED: Syllabus code has been fixed to a maximum of 4 digits in length to match that of the CIE cover sheet boxes.

FIXED: When tabbing down the list of boxes/dropdowns in the Candidate Information Window The syllabus Code would not enable if typing in CIE. It would only enable when selected with the mouse via the dropdown list, this has now been fixed so that a board can be selected via the dropdown or typing.

FIXED: Syllabus Code if changed, would not be reflected when printing. For example if you type in the wrong code, press OK, then go to print and you realise you have made a mistake and change it, it would always remember the last code you typed. (27/04/2018)

ADDED: You can now word count a specific selected line/paragraph of text. Select the text and right mouse click to reveal the new context menu item

ADDED: Context Menu icons (24/04/2018)

FIXED: Password on Exit window, removed extra message boxes, created show/hide password button.

ADDED: Exam Boards now include new “Internal/Mocks” option and with print the JCQ cover sheet if required. If you need to include this in your own config file then make sure it is written as “Internal/Mocks” or “INTERNAL/MOCKS” without quotes.

FIXED: JCQ cover sheet not printing unit code in correct font size (23/04/2018)

FIXED: Data verification for the Candidate Information screen failed when clicking on OK

FIXED: OK button on Candidate Information screen was incorrectly located. (22/12/2018)

FIXED: backend code clean-up/reorganisation/optimisation

ADDED: You can now specific you School Name as default in the config file using option “ExamCentreName”.

ADDED: Extra candidate information is now saved to any saved ExamText file. These are “Exam Board”, “Syllabus Code”, “Centre Name” and “Centre Number”.

ADDED: CIE Coversheet can now be printed off, if selecting CIE as the Exam Board when printing.

ADDED: ExamWritePad was set to ‘Top Most’ for a reason so as not to allow other applications to take the focus amongst other things. There is now a new config option called ‘DisableTopMostPriority’ that when set to 1, will stop EWP from being above all other windows allowing to switch between apps as normal.

ADDED: Centre Number now allows for multiple centre numbers if required, if more than one centre number is require separated each number by a semi-colon (;) with in the config option of “ExamCentreNumber”. Changed – Alphanumeric Centre Numbers also now allowed. (09/02/2018)

ADDED: Default Filename for any new file you wish to save now includes the Candidate Subject, in addition to the Candidate Name, Number and Unit Code.

FIXED: Screen fonts/Colours use to apply on printouts, this has been fixed and no longer applies to printing.

ADDED: New config option added “ClearClipboardOnLaunch”, so that if anyone manage to access files in order to attempt to cheat by copying and pasting, setting this option will clear the clipboard buffer at start-up. (18/01/2018)

FEATURE: Monitor USB connections for any USB hard drive or Memory Stick. This is to detect any form of cheat by means of generating screenshots every 3 seconds as evidence. Set a new config option called “MonitorUSBDevices” to 1 for on and 0 for off. All screenshots are keep in the “ProgramData” folder for example: “C:\ProgramData\ExamWritepad\ExamWritepad_USBMonitor”. The screenshots are created when a USB drive is plugged in, unplug it and the screenshots stop. Each screen shot varies from 50kb to 90kb in jpg format.

FIXED: INSERT key detection had to be pressed twice to fully disable the insert function. Disabled the INSERT key fully now and no INSERT key detection window appears when pressing the INSERT key.

FIXED: Opening a previous saved file from the “File -> Open” Menu would cause a string reference error message to display if not using encryption. (16/01/2018) FIXED: Setting “SavePromptAfterCandidateInfoScreenOnLaunch” to 1 would cause the Auto Save and Auto Backup to stop.

FIXED: Zooming in and out to its extremes caused and error, now suppressed. (10/01/2018)

ADDED: New config option “AllowAlphaNumericCandidateNumbers” to turn on/off allowing Candidate Number to contain letters and numbers. 0 is numeric only, 1 is alphanumeric. (08/01/2018) FIXED: Formatting was lost during print (Bold, underline etc.). (21/12/2017)

FIXED: Cancelling Open File Dialog would rest in erroneous error message. (19/12/2017)

ADDED: Cancel button to Password Exit Screen

FIXED: ‘SavePromptAfterCandidateInfoScreenOnLaunch’ now shows the correct filename details if entered in the Candidate Information window.

FIXED: Password on Exit now sets focus to text box and Enter key invokes Exit button click event (so you don’t have to press Exit, just press enter) FIXED: Password on Exit always behind main window

FIXED: INSERT key detection window always behind main window

FIXED: EWP can be run on multiple monitor setups with the correct screen dimensions, before it was using only the primary monitor resolution.

FIXED: “DoubleLineSpacingAtStartup” was incorrectly labelled as “DoubleLineSpaceAtStartup” so option never got applied.

FIXED: AutoSave prompt was sitting behind existing window on multiple monitor setups. (13/12/2017)

FIXED: Minimise to Tray Menu Button was causing the software to crash when the clock timer thread was trying to update while minimised.

FIXED: Additional Form windows now open as Dialog Modals to force them to the front and be top most, thus stopping them from going behind the main form window. Changed – Candidate Information screen has be re-arranged to allow a better flow when filling in.

FIXED: Stopped AutoSave prompt window from appearing if you have either the Candidate Info/Previous Version/Screen Options/Insert Key/Password on Exit screens open.

ADDED: Ability to print off the JCQ Word Processing Cover Sheet if using either AQA, Pearson, WJEC, OCR, CCEA or CIE boards. Option to turn it on is in the config file. Page 2 of the Cover Sheet will not print off as it is not necessary.

ADDED: New ExamWritePad icon for 2018.

ADDED: Password to exit Software can be initiated via the config file.

ADDED: Filename by default on first save will include Candidate Name, Candidate Number and Candidate Unit Code.

ADDED: Ability to encrypt ExamText files. You need to set config options “EncryptFiles” to 1 and “EncryptionKey” to a 40 character key using the ExamWritePadKeyGenerator.exe, if you plan on using this feature please test it extensively before deploying in a live environment. If you have any issues with this feature, then the Previous Versions are not encrypted and can be rolled back to recover.

REMOVED: “PrintBackColour” in config as the colour of the rich text control cannot change from white. If you wish to print please use coloured paper of your choice.

ADDED: You can now turn on Double Line Spacing at start-up as default. Set the config option “DoubleLineSpacingAtStartup” to 1. If you are using an older config file and wish to continue to use it, please see the example config and modify yours to suite with all new options released with version 2.1

ADDED: Move footer to custom offset position (set in config, 0 – max 100 pixels)

ADDED: Move header to custom offset position (set in config, 0 – max 100 pixels)

FIXED: “Screen Font/Size” was used instead of “Print Font/Size” when printing.

FIXED: Candidate Centre Number, if changed on the Candidate Information screen, will print as written.

FIXED: Candidate Information Fields are now set to >= 1 in length.

ADDED: Cancel option to the “exit without saving” dialog when closing the application.

FIXED: Character Map now Defaults to the Screen font used in the config file.

FIXED: Temporary solution to remove RTF CAPS on auto save and print.

ADDED: Command line option to print saved file to a named printer or default printer

ADDED: New information window to stop people from overwriting work when pressing the INSERT or INS key.

ADDED: Padded border around the writing window

FIXED: When setting the config file option to print double line spaced, after each print job had completed it would revert the text on screen from single line to double line spacing. This should not have happened. FIXED: Finally found why page numbering was still incorrectly being displayed on print outs, this has now been rectified.

ADDED: Battery Status Indicator

FIXED: Tabbing now is correct when pressing the tab key on the candidate information window.

FIXED: Page numbering is not correct when using special characters in the document window.

FIXED: Double Line Spacing was not being honoured when “DoubleLineSpacingPrint” was set to 1 (Off).

FIXED: Finally, after many attempts page numbering is correct when printing off multiple times without restarting the program.

FIXED: When double-clicking a saved file, the option to “Launch Candidate Info on Start-up” is ignored, allowing a user to quickly edit/print.

ADDED: Page Breaks are now included

FIXED: Page numbering adjustment

FIXED: Previous version screen text box is now displayed using the screen font chosen in config file and the page width replicates that of A4 size paper.

FIXED: Exam Board entry box has now been converted to a dropdown list to keep the character case consistent. Therefor new Boards will need to be added in your config file if they don’t appear.

FIXED: Stopped all the text being highlighted when it saving/auto saving.

FIXED: When double clicking on an ExamText file that you may have saved, for example on the desktop, it launches ExamWritePad and the ExamText file with all formatting reset/removed.

FIXED: On first print when formatting (bold, underline etc.) is applied, it resets the formatting and continues to print without formatting.

FIXED: Auto save is now paused while printing

FIXED: Cursor position was setting itself to the start when initial first auto save and then saving the file happens. Cursor now retains is last position.

FIXED: When any error message shows on the candidate information screen the error sits in front of the text box making it difficult to set focus (click on) and type into the box.

FIXED: If tool strip menu was hidden the text window did not move up to use the extra space provided.

FIXED: When opening multiple saved documents it appended the existing text instead of clearing it out first. NEW: Display the text area in an A4 page width or full screen width. The option have been added to ‘Screen Options’ menu item and a config option ‘StartPageWidth’ to use as default on start-up. 0 = Full screen page width or 1 = A4 page width.

FIXED: Page numbering on multiple prints within the same session. FIXED: When you restore a previous version the cursor sets to the end of the text.

FIXED: Upon restoring a previous version that is supposed to be double line spaced always returned it to single, now it returns the correct line spacing and cursor position.

FIXED: Removed close button on Candidate Info Screen when option to display Candidate Info screen on start-up is enabled, This is to force the end user to fill in all details before continuing.

FIXED: Document writing window was enabled if the display Candidate Info screen on start-up is enabled, now disabled until the candidate info window has been completed with all relevant information submitted.

FIXED: If Menu Tool strip is disabled the document writing window appears 20 pixels lower thus looking odd.

ADDED: 4 pixel padding to the main window so that the objects inside it (menu bar, tool strip, document writing window, and status bar) will be more visible.

FIXED: Error checking has been added for loading older versions of saved files. The software should not now complain.

FIXED: Re-designed Candidate Information screen to separate out the Exam details into three separate entities. They are “Board”, “Subject” and “Unit Code/Reference”.

FIXED: The Exam Board entry box now has an autosuggest/complete list of predefined exam boards. For example, union typing in the first letter, lets says “A” the list would suggest “AQA” to click on and select.

ADDED: A new config option has been added to go with the Exam Boards Autocomplete List. It will contain the suggested list of examination boards, each board is separated by a semi-colon only. If you decided to blank the list out then the auto complete feature will be disabled and the exam board box will return back to a standard text box entry.

FIXED: If you wish to use, or are using an older config that doesn’t included the “ExamBoards” option. This build of ExamWritePad will automatically generate one for you to use.

FIXED: The header/footer now prints out in a dark grey to distinguish itself from the main text on the page. If you are printing on a mono printer then it will look like a lighter shade of black.

FIXED: Upon selecting a background screen colour, it never remembered what your current selection was.

ADDED: “Paper Reference” to the candidate information screen.

FIXED: Clicking save, it highlights/selects all the text. Also happens when it auto-saves.

UPDATE: Example ExamText file has been updated to new XML format.

FIXED: “DisableSignatureOnPrint” has now been replaced with “Signature Appearance” which now allow for the following in the config file: 0 = Disable Signature, 1 = Signature on First Page Only, 2 = Signature on Last Page Only, 3 = Signature on Every Page

FIXED: Auto save causing cursor to move to end of text, now stays where its last position is.

FIXED: Small toolbar font and colour buttons now save their selections so that they appear correct if you go into the screen options page.

FIXED: Printing complete message dialog window now removed as it doesn’t really serve a purpose and also sometime goes behind other windows making it difficult to action.

UPDATE: Documentation also updated.

FIXED: Toolbar menu enabled after restoring previous version now fixed again!

FIXED: Date has been moved to footer (left hand side) to give more space on the header for Exam Board Subject and Unit Code to be written in full along with Name, Candidate Number, and Centre Number.

FIXED: Candidate Information Screen has been tweaked in terms of error checking.

FIXED: Exam Paper Title/Details has now been reworded to “Exam Board/Subject/Unit Code”.

NEW: Signature panel now appears in the footer of each printed page to allow the students to sign each page as proof that they have written what is on the paper. This is done so that if an exam board does not receive a student’s exam paper and the school is requested to send another copy, because the student has signed it, they are more likely to accept it as proof it was done on the date in question by the student. But for this to work you would need to print at the end of the exam, two copies, one to send to the board and the other for you to save (Exam Officer) and get the student to sign both copies. With this new feature, you can turn off the signature panel from being printed “DisableSignatureOnPrint” needs to be set to 1 in the config file.

FIXED: Previous versions with double line spacing are now restored correctly.

FIXED: Toolbar is now re-enabled when restoring a previous version. FIXED: Double line spacing, if selected via the menu bar, is now saved with all saved files in the form of a new XML element 2 inside the ExamText file format.

PLEASE NOTE: for fix #1 and fix #3 to work successfully all older saved files or previous version files will not have this tag, so therefore may throw an exception when loading. Please manually add the element into each older saved file (as shown below). New files created with v2.0.3.0 are not affected. Joe Bloggs 12345 99999 2 {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} \uc1\pard\sl0\slmult0\f0\fs24 Sample text}

ADDED: Set “AllowMinimise” in the config = 1 and a new button appears on the top bar called “Minimise to Taskbar”.

FIXED: Clicking ‘X’ on the auto-save popup responds correctly.

FIXED: Screen Options has been restored.

FIXED: Right-click in the text area. FIXED: Apostrophe missing in the AutoSave FIXED: There is a double separator line in the edit menu under Redo. ADDED: Formatting option “Strikeout/Strike-through”. Option added in config also to hide strikeout option along with other options to hide. (NEW RELEASE) 28/05/2016

NEW: Richedit Text control now is an extended version from Microsoft to allow for more RTF features in future.

NEW: Formatting Options (Menu) >> Single/Double Line Spacing (screen & print), Formatting Options (Menu) >> Bullets, Formatting Options (Menu) >> Alignment (Left/centre/right), Formatting Options (Menu) >> Styles (Normal/Italic/Bold/Underline), Formatting Options (Menu) >> Indent Paragraphs, Screen Options (Menu) >> Zoom In, Screen Options (Menu) >> Zoom Out, Screen Options (Menu) >> Zoom Reset, Text Editing (Menu) >> Undo, Text Editing (Menu) >> Redo, Text Editing (Menu) >> Select All, Text Editing (Menu) >> Cut, Text Editing (Menu) >> Copy, Text Editing (Menu) >> Paste

NEW: extra toolbar with smaller quick access buttons on.

NEW: All the above can be disabled from being shown via the config file.

NEW: On first run the software it will self-register the ExamText file extension, but only on a per user basis.

NEW: Page numbering added to footer, with current page and total page count.

ADDED: Date added to header on print out.

FIXED: Double line spacing also now used on screen as well as print.

FIXED: Upon auto save/auto backup, the screen would jump back up to the top.

FIXED: On exit, having never saved the document, click “yes” to the save prompt, then click cancel on the save location screen, the program continues to close down.

FIXED: Upon saving after the candidate details box, click save again it fills in the filename box with the file path. Then on exiting, it asks if you want to save and exits without saving.

FIXED: ddd, dd/mm/yyyy has been added alongside the clock.

FIXED: Clock now in bottom right and bolder in appearance.

FIXED: Headers/Footers for printing when using Double line spacing option, which al now includes total number of page on each print out example: Page 1 / 5

ADDED: Clock on the status bar in BOLD and uses system treading rather than timer tick should be more accurate.


FIXED: if you save a file then click on NEW, the file name is called “NewFile” instead of using the previous saved files name.

FIXED: If you set ‘SavePromptAfterCandidateInfoScreenOnLaunch’ to 1 it brings up the save box but doesn’t actually save the file.

FIXED: Vertical scroll at has been reinstated.


FIXED: Printing issues with double line spacing.

FIXED: I had also found an issue that when you open either Candidate info, Screen Options or Previous Version Windows, the textbox is still active and can be typed on, so now the whole main form is disabled until the either window is closed. This also help to keep focus on the window and stops it from dropping behind the main window.


FIXED: When the charmap window appears the topmost is false and when the form is activated again it sets it back top most.


FIXED: Issues with general saving and saving from restored backup.

ADDED: Forced ExamWritePad to stay on top most above all programs, so if you wish to disable Task Manager then please do so via GPO.


FIXED: I have now fixed the printer selection issue.

FIXED: Also I have changed the file extension from “ExamText” to “ExamTextBackup” for the purpose of previous version backups.


FIXED: .net 4 compatible for Windows XP Support

FIXED: The Previous Version with Blank ‘DefaultBackupPath’ is now fixed.


ADDED: You can now specify a “DefaultBackupPath” in the config file.


FIXED: Word Count.

ADDED: AutoSave option (located in config)


ADDED: Auto save now implemented if file has been save will save every minute. (The same time an auto recover backup file is generated).

ADDED: “SavePromptAfterCandidateInfoScreenOnLaunch” so that after entering in the details on the candidate info screen it will now prompt to save the file. MUST be used in conjunction with “ShowCandidateInfoScreenOnLaunch” in the options file.

FIXED: Word Count and Character Count now counts, (didn’t in previous few builds).


ADDED: Ability to Double Line Space Print – If you need to turn it on the please do so in the config, setting “DoubleLineSpacingPrint” to “1”. This feature is EXPERIMENTAL because it I have had to cheat slightly and use a web browser control with CSS to get the line spacing. Under JCQ guidance 8.8 Word Processors – double line spacing for exams is advisory and NOT compulsory.

ADDED: Ability to change the screen font colour for the purpose of readability. This can be also set as default in the config file under “FontColour”, please use RBG values for example black = 0,0,0

ADDED: Candidate Info can now be save with the saved ExamText file. This because the file format has now changed to an XML based format but still using the .ExamText file extension. (Auto backup recoveries still only save the textbox data, thus do not included the candidate info).

ADDED: “DefaultOpenPath” in config file so you can specify where to open you files from.

ADDED: Error handling has now been added to the candidate info screen so you cannot have blanks fields before printing.

CHANGED: Menu Bar colour is a few shades lighter so you can see the button text labels clearer.


CHANGED: “Set Background Colour” option has changed to “Screen Options” to allow for new added feature below.

ADDED: Ability to change the screen font size for the purpose of readability. This can be also set as default in the config file.

ADDED: Candidate Info box can now be shown at load as well as at print. Just change the config file option “ShowCandidateInfoScreenOnLaunch” from 0 to 1

CHANGED: Changed background colour description information regarding an inaccuracy. “Dyslexia” has been changed to “Irlen’s Syndrome”.


ADDED: Ability to enter in Candidate Name, Centre Number, Candidate Number and Exam Paper details (title & code) at print time. You can also enter in your Centre Number into the config file so that pupils don’t have to fill it in.

ADDED: Page numbers are now added to the footer of each printed page.


ADDED: Ability to launch Character Map.

ADDED: Simplified Context Menu on the text area (Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Select All) options only.


ADDED: Change default background colour on start-up via config (RGB only). For example white = 255,255,255.

ADDED: Colour Selection Chart to specify any custom background colour in addition to the predefined colours that already exist.


FIXED: Auto backups are now saved correctly with the correct content.

ADDED: Auto backup on application close (just in case you forgot to manually save).


FIXED: Changed in this version is now the ability to keep 24 hours’ worth of backup previous versions but remember only the last 1 hour worth are available within the software. When the software runs it auto deletes anything prior to 24 hours. It keep the backup folder nice and tidy.

ADDED: Help button to mention the disclaimer, credit the icon creators and also where to get tech support from (redirects to this thread).


FIXES: Minor bug fixes

1.0 (INITIAL RELEASE) 23/03/2016

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