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ExamWritePad is the UK’s first word processor built and designed specifically for use with controlled assessments/exams. Written with guidelines set out by many UK exam boards, makes it unique and provides an answer to many a dilemma of which software to use


ExamWritePad Roadmap

  • Pending Review
    Video Player #1
    Dark Mode #2
  • Planned
    Spelling - Autocorrect Customization List #1
    Application Project #2
    Spelling - Regular expression patterns to ignore #3
    Document Security #4
  • Completed
    ExamText File #1
    PDF Reader (Speaking) #2
    New button 'Insert Blank Page' #3
    Drawings and Shapes #4
    License File (Deployment) #5
    View More
  • Show the candidate information window after opening an existing file # 14

    When a user opens an existing file, have a way to automatically display the candidate information window. Useful for existing template files.

  • ExamText File # 8

    The file format makeup of ExamText files will change from XML to DOCX-based so that each file can be directly loaded into Microsoft Word.

  • PDF Reader - Run OCR through the file # 12

    Allow the PDF Reader to have the ability to run OCR through a PDF so text can be selected and read aloud.

  • Slow response/delay when pasting # 13

    Fix the current issue that when pasting anything into the document there seems to be a slight delay.

  • New button 'Insert Blank Page' # 15

    There is currently an option to insert a 'page break' so it seems reasonable to suggest a complimentary button that allow to insert a new blank page just like Microsoft Word has.

  • Dark Mode # 16

    Having a dark mode similar to Microsoft Word Dark Grey theme.
    Menu Bar = RGB 190,187,184 (#BEBBB8)
    Document/Sidebar back = RGB 102,102,102 (#666666)
    Document = White as normal
    Labels/Button Text = White
    Button/TextBox back = RGB 68,68,68 (#444444)

  • Application Project # 1

    Convert the whole project to Dot Net 8 or higher for future compatibility. The main ExamWritePad app is the only application still compiled in Visual Basic and will need to be converted to C# for future compatibility.

  • GUI - Tabbed Ribbon bar # 2

    Swap out the WinForms TabControl (used as the ribbon bar) for the TextControl custom designed ribbon bar so that the ribbon bar can scale correctly when the PC display scaling is set to 125%, 150%, 175% or higher.

  • Spelling - Autocorrect Customization List # 3

    Being able to create your own list of shorthand things to autocorrect, for example: if someone writes “gsoh” it will convert to “good sense of humour”.

    Example code:
    rapidSpellAsYouType1.AutoCorrectionMap["vb"] = "Visual Basic"

  • Spelling - Regular expression patterns to ignore # 4

    Useful if you want to ignore, for example, uncommon website addresses that end with a domain like .ro or .no which don’t fall under the ignore internet addresses option.

    Example code:
    Dim pattern As String = "[a-zA-Z0-9]+(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+)?\.(?:no|ro){1,2}" CType(rapidSpellDialog.CheckerEngine,RapidSpellChecker).AddIgnorePattern(pattern) rapidSpellAsYouType.RapidSpellChecker.AddIgnorePattern(pattern)

  • Document Security # 5

    The DOCX standard (Office Open XML) has the ability to set passwords for document security. We also have plans to offer document security (opened and read) that is compatible with Microsoft Word. This will replace the now deprecated encryption module in EWP long term. This requires TextControl, the developers of the text document addon, to have such a feature on their roadmap.

  • Video Player # 6

    To make EWP your all-in-one application we plan to implement a Video Player capable of playback for most video formats.

  • PDF Reader (Speaking) # 9

    Speaking only any given selection of text.

  • Drawings and Shapes # 10

    Word-compatible drawings and shapes can be inserted and edited.

  • License File (Deployment) # 11

    In the Config options create a new option called "LicenseFilePath" where you can select a single path on a file server/share, therefore maintaining just one copy of the license file.

  • Dark Mode # 16

    Having a dark mode similar to Microsoft Word Dark Grey theme.
    Menu Bar = RGB 190,187,184 (#BEBBB8)
    Document/Sidebar back = RGB 102,102,102 (#666666)
    Document = White as normal
    Labels/Button Text = White
    Button/TextBox back = RGB 68,68,68 (#444444)

  • New button 'Insert Blank Page' # 15

    There is currently an option to insert a 'page break' so it seems reasonable to suggest a complimentary button that allow to insert a new blank page just like Microsoft Word has.

  • Show the candidate information window after opening an existing file # 14

    When a user opens an existing file, have a way to automatically display the candidate information window. Useful for existing template files.

  • Slow response/delay when pasting # 13

    Fix the current issue that when pasting anything into the document there seems to be a slight delay.

  • PDF Reader - Run OCR through the file # 12

    Allow the PDF Reader to have the ability to run OCR through a PDF so text can be selected and read aloud.

  • License File (Deployment) # 11

    In the Config options create a new option called "LicenseFilePath" where you can select a single path on a file server/share, therefore maintaining just one copy of the license file.

  • Drawings and Shapes # 10

    Word-compatible drawings and shapes can be inserted and edited.

  • PDF Reader (Speaking) # 9

    Speaking only any given selection of text.

  • ExamText File # 8

    The file format makeup of ExamText files will change from XML to DOCX-based so that each file can be directly loaded into Microsoft Word.

  • Video Player # 6

    To make EWP your all-in-one application we plan to implement a Video Player capable of playback for most video formats.

  • Document Security # 5

    The DOCX standard (Office Open XML) has the ability to set passwords for document security. We also have plans to offer document security (opened and read) that is compatible with Microsoft Word. This will replace the now deprecated encryption module in EWP long term. This requires TextControl, the developers of the text document addon, to have such a feature on their roadmap.

  • Spelling - Regular expression patterns to ignore # 4

    Useful if you want to ignore, for example, uncommon website addresses that end with a domain like .ro or .no which don’t fall under the ignore internet addresses option.

    Example code:
    Dim pattern As String = "[a-zA-Z0-9]+(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+)?\.(?:no|ro){1,2}" CType(rapidSpellDialog.CheckerEngine,RapidSpellChecker).AddIgnorePattern(pattern) rapidSpellAsYouType.RapidSpellChecker.AddIgnorePattern(pattern)

  • Spelling - Autocorrect Customization List # 3

    Being able to create your own list of shorthand things to autocorrect, for example: if someone writes “gsoh” it will convert to “good sense of humour”.

    Example code:
    rapidSpellAsYouType1.AutoCorrectionMap["vb"] = "Visual Basic"

  • GUI - Tabbed Ribbon bar # 2

    Swap out the WinForms TabControl (used as the ribbon bar) for the TextControl custom designed ribbon bar so that the ribbon bar can scale correctly when the PC display scaling is set to 125%, 150%, 175% or higher.

  • Application Project # 1

    Convert the whole project to Dot Net 8 or higher for future compatibility. The main ExamWritePad app is the only application still compiled in Visual Basic and will need to be converted to C# for future compatibility.

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