Future plans and pricing update

Future plans and pricing update

I just wanted to first of all say a big thank you to all the educational establishments that have joined the ExamWritePad family, its was a tough call to decide…
Routine Maintenance – 13th Jan 2024

Routine Maintenance – 13th Jan 2024

Just a quick update: the ExamWritePad website will be down for a few hours @ 2am UK GMT on 13th Jan 2024. Part of this upgrade is changing servers over…


ExamWritePad Roadmap Road map Most voted Newest Pending Review Video Player #1 Planned Application Project #1 GUI - Tabbed Ribbon bar #2 Spelling - Autocorrect Customization List #3 Spelling -…
Taking Orders NOW/How to purchase

Taking Orders NOW/How to purchase

We have decided to start taking orders now in preparation for the August release date of ExamWritePad. Head over to our purchase page located on the navigation/menu bar. for further…
Big announcement! UPDATE #3

Big announcement! UPDATE #3

Having spent many years on this project, eight years to be exact, it has now come to the point where I need to secure the long term future for the…
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Join our mailing list to keep up-to-date

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