Signature Appearance

Signature Appearance

I currently have this setting set to 0. if I choose 1, 2 or 3 they all show they all display the signature on the first page. Am I missing…
Adding Cover sheet

Adding Cover sheet

Hi, Ive been asked by our exams teams to add a coversheet for WJEC to exam write pad. How do i go about getting and adding this to the configuration…
Command line usage (post install)

Command line usage (post install)

Command lines run in Windowed mode (Used to load a config or single file)   Parameters: /CONFIG: (Followed by the full path and file name of the JSON config file)…
Command line usage (pre install) MSI deployment

Command line usage (pre install) MSI deployment

Deploy the License file and/or the ExamWritePadSettings.json file and/or the logo file during the MSI install as a command line properties below. Parameters: LICENSEKEYFILE= (Followed by the full path and…
How do I generate a debug log file?

How do I generate a debug log file?

How do I generate a debug log file? (1) Run the ConfigEditorGUI app, and open up the ‘ExamWritePadSettings.json’ file inside it. (2) Scroll down and select the option "DebugApplication". (3)…