

What’s New/Fixed? We have been working hard behind the scenes to bring you the latest update and its a big one indeed! Plenty of new stuff and plenty of fixes.…
Command line usage (post install)

Command line usage (post install)

Command lines run in Windowed mode (Used to load a config or single file)   Parameters: /CONFIG: (Followed by the full path and file name of the JSON config file)…
Command line usage (pre install) MSI deployment

Command line usage (pre install) MSI deployment

Deploy the License file and/or the ExamWritePadSettings.json file and/or the logo file during the MSI install as a command line properties below. Parameters: LICENSEKEYFILE= (Followed by the full path and…
Future plans and pricing update

Future plans and pricing update

I just wanted to first of all say a big thank you to all the educational establishments that have joined the ExamWritePad family, its was a tough call to decide…


What’s New/Fixed? ADDED: A PDF Password dialog box, top-most, that now works in fullscreen mode. FIXED: When loading a PDF in the supplementary tab it resets the question paper tab.…
v24.05.11.1200 (IMPORTANT)

v24.05.11.1200 (IMPORTANT)

It has been identified that some schools may encounter an issue where they will receive an error when trying to ‘AutoSave’ which can make the software unstable and in some…


Remember to backup your ExamWritePadSettings.json file and logo.png file before applying any upgrade/install, then afterwards replace both files and run the ExamWritePadSettings.json file in the ConFigEditorGUI app to allow it…


Remember to backup your ExamWritePadSettings.json file and logo.png file before applying any upgrade/install, then afterwards replace both files and run the ExamWritePadSettings.json file in the ConFigEditorGUI app to allow it…


Remember to backup your ExamWritePadSettings.json file and logo.png file before applying any upgrade/install, then afterwards replace both files and run the ExamWritePadSettings.json file in the ConFigEditorGUI app to allow it…
Routine Maintenance – 13th Jan 2024

Routine Maintenance – 13th Jan 2024

Just a quick update: the ExamWritePad website will be down for a few hours @ 2am UK GMT on 13th Jan 2024. Part of this upgrade is changing servers over…


What's New/Fixed? FIXED: EWP would sometimes be very slow to shut down or in some cases not at all. ADDED: The trial version now uses system proxy credentials and address/port…


What's New/Fixed? New: 'ScreenFilter' is a new screen overlay addon that can be displayed in any colour and opacity to help students who suffer from eye strain, Dyslexia, Scotopic Sensitivity…